Nothing to Everything! | How was the Universe Formed? The Big Bang Theory Part - 1

Have you ever wondered how are we formed? How the universe was formed? You might have come across these questions but might not be knowing the answer. So in today's stuff, we will be knowing about how was your universe formed. So, let's get started...

The name, Big Bang tells us that it was an explosion but it wasn't. Then what was it? Well, the first confusion to people is with this only but it was not an explosion. So, in Big Bang, the space itself started expanding with time everywhere and increased its distance. In simple, Bing Bang is not an explosion rather it was an expansion of space. Now you might be thinking, how does the universe or space start expanding? Actually, after the Big Bang, the universe was expanding in itself only. The reason behind it was that the universe neither had any border nor anything was outside it. Well, Big Bang led to the formation of space, time, matter, and energy. And after this universe traveled through some major stages: (i)Radiation and  (ii)Matter Creation. These two stages are the main stages of the evolution of the universe which gave shape to the universe. 

At the starting age of the universe there existed no matter but energy and the ancestor of all forces i.e. Superforce existed. And after some time due to unknown reasons, gravity separated from the super force. Like this, many forces got separated from the ultimate force of the universe and led to the formation of a new force.

Well, after all this, the universe started expanding rapidly. After some time the universe became as big as a grapefruit from the size of an atom however, at that time the universe was too hot but it contained electrons, quarks, and other particles. At this time some particles existed for a short period, one of them was, that pairs of quarks were created from gluons which sometimes destroyed themselves which led to the formation of more gluons that interacted with quarks, and then this once again created gluons and pairs of quarks. 

At this time matter and energy were not separate, they were the same stuff. And there was a fight between matter and anti-matter in which both destroyed each other. As matter and antimatter cancel each other out, releasing light as they destroy each other, only a minuscule number of particles would have existed in the universe. Besides this, the electromagnetic force and weak nuclear force got separated. From this time, there were four forces in the universe, strong nuclear force, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force, and gravitational force. 

At this stage, all the ingredients were available for the formation of matter but it didn't happen as the temperature of the universe was very high and the formation of subatomic particles was impossible but, with time the universe began to expand and the temperature began to cool down and it was more than billion kilometers in diameter. At this point, the temperature had cooled down and quarks got combined with each other and lead to the formation of neutrons and protons. The neutrons and protons fused with each other and formed nuclei and with this fusion, there was our first element of the universe, Helium. The temperature of the universe was too cool that the electrons could attach to the nucleus. Now the atom was able to create matter and this led to the formation of the second element of the universe, Hydrogen. This process is known as recombination. This period is known as the Dark age as hydrogen gas was blocking the movement of visible light and there was dark. 

Hydrogen gas started gathering and gravity started putting pressure on it. Then hydrogen combined with helium and gave rise to many atomic clouds. The gas inside these clouds flourished with gravity to collect the atoms and with the collection of atoms formed the clusters of atoms. Well, these atomic clusters were the building blocks of the galaxies. On the other side, because of the radiation in the universe hydrogen got dissolved and led to the formation of plasma, and then light came into existence. 

From the cluster of atoms, objects started creating, and from this planet, stars, galaxies, and life were formed. I have already made posts on galaxies and many planets. You can see those to know about them

To get to know about the starting of the universe to till now let's see the timeline of the evolution of the universe. Just see this image carefully you will get to know the timeline:

You will be amazed to know that our universe is still expanding and a day will come when it will stop expanding. About this, we will be talking in my other post. Finally, I would say that The Big Bang is a theory and it may or may not be true. Its your decision to take it true or false.

~Thanks for Reading~

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