How was the Earth Formed?

We all live on the planet Earth. It is our home and supports our food, air to breathe, and shelter. Earth is our home. But have you ever wondered how our home i.e. Earth was formed? The image below shows the changes that had taken place on Earth millions of billions of years ago. How has the Earth become a hot planet to a planet comfortable for life? So, in this session, we will be answering these questions. So let's get started.....

Well, the formation of Earth is related to the formation of the Sun but in this session, I will not be telling you about the formation of the Sun. I had already made a post on How was our Sun Formed? Please do watch it as that will help you to understand this topic more clearly.

So, about 4.5 billion years ago after the formation of the Earth due to the gravitational force many asteroids came near the Sun and started revolving around it. After this many asteroids started collapsing on each other which lead to the formation of the inner planets. Wait! Wait! Now, what are these inner planets? Is it refers to the planet inside the Sun? Well, No. Inner planets are the nearest planet to the Sun and they come before the asteroid belt, the inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The planets after the asteroid belt are called outer planets. 

According to many researchers, there was a planet called 'Theia' between The Earth and Mars which used to revolve around the Sun. Due to the Gravity, the asteroids that used to revolve around the Sun had started to revolve around the Earth and started bursting into our planet and the same was happening on our neighboring planet Theia. The showering of asteroids in Theia lead to the approaching of this planet near-Earth and finally, they collided with each other. Because of the collision, some parts of the Earth got split into particles and they started revolving around the Earth like a ring. These asteroids while revolving started merging with each other which lead to the formation of a celestial body. Guess, which is this celestial body? If you guessed Moon, you are right. You will be amazed to know that at this time on the Earth there exist only one ocean of 1900°C temperature of boiling lava.

The Early Earth

As per the time, our Earth started cooling down which lead the heavy materials to the center of the Earth and the lighter materials came to the surface of the Earth. For thousands of years, the asteroids were bombing the Earth and these asteroids contained salt, minerals, and water. Because of the bombing of these asteroids, the Earth's started being covered with water. As per the scientists, about 3.2 billion years ago at this time, the living creatures (micro bacteria) on Earth were first born when the full surface was covered with water. As our core is made up of radioactive waves so it is always hot but when the surface of the Earth is cool the heat inside it can't come out which leads to the formation of volcanoes and at that time the same thing happened. From the water bodies, many volcanoes started coming up for thousands of years, and this led to the formation of soil above the water. Now you might be wondering how could volcanoes lead to the formation of soil? Well, for this answer you have to wait for a little. My post on this topic will be coming soon. Let's come back to the topic, quickly. Well, at this the atmosphere of Earth was not made yet so the asteroids were bombing at that time also.

Before 3 billion years ago, the climate of the Earth started being calm, volcanoes didn't use to burst and 1 day of Earth was of 12 hours. After many years, the micro bacteria started developing and started staying in groups. Before 2.5 billion years ago, for the first time in the water bodies, the microorganisms were formed which started using sunlight and minerals for their survival and for excreta they used to give out oxygen, Till this time some of the volcanoes were only left and because of these bacteria, the amount of oxygen started increasing in the environment, increase in oxygen led to the formation of atmosphere around the Earth. For thousands of years, these bacteria started spreading over the Earth and a time came, because of the increase in oxygen these bacteria started dying. At that time, the environment was cooled and filled with oxygen which lead to the reaction of iron present in the atmosphere with the oxygen present in the water. A time came when the surface of our Earth became red like the surface of Mars now. After years, there were cracks on the tectonic plates and the magma inside the Earth's surface started boiling for many years, and this was the reason for the increase in carbon dioxide in the environment which led to acid rains. Because of this acid rain, the temperature of the earth started cooling down and the water present in it started freezing which lead to the Ice Age. at this time our Earth was covered with white snow like a snowball. For instance, the ground soaks the sun's rays but as the Earth was covered with snow and snow reflects light so our Earth was covered with snow for thousands of years but after many years the heat into the Earth started coming in the form of volcanoes, melted the ice. At this time under the water, some bacteria were left which were adapting themselves as per the climate and underwater plants also started coming out. Outside the volcanoes were bursting and caused an increase in carbon dioxide which lead to acid rain once again. The Earth started cooling down and most of the surface was covered with snow, this process continued for several years. The sea creatures started adapting and developing themselves to this climate and at this time many underwater plants were extinct but those which were left adapted themselves. And at this time, the underwater plants didn't use to die. When the volcanoes started melting the ice, the underwater plants got developed and started spreading. Slowly the amount of oxygen increased and the acid rain lowed. Because of oxygen, the ozone layer of Earth thickened. Finally, after this time many creatures started growing on Earth. So, our Earth was formed and was comfortable for living various creatures.

This theory which I told was written by German philosopher, Immanuel Kant in 1755. This theory was written by him in his book 'Universal Nature History and Theory of the Heaven' but a French scholar, Pierre Simon Laplace edited this book in 1796  and now it is a universally excepted hypothesis book.
Immanuel Kant

Pierre Simon Laplace

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