Introduction To Astronomy

To know about Astronomy, we need to know what is it. After hearing this word astronomy many images come in our mind such as, a night sky, a telescope, many stars, sky of different colors etc., is astronomy about these things only? No, so what is it about? To know about this, let's get started.

What is Astronomy?

After hearing this word astronomy many images come in our mind such as, a night sky, a telescope etc., is astronomy about these things only? No, so what is it about? Astronomy is made up of two words, 'Astro' and 'Nomy'. Astro is, relating to the stars or celestial bodies and Nomy is, to denote a specified field of knowledge. So, astronomy is a branch of science which deals with the study of celestial bodies and phenomena or it is the study of everything in the universe beyond the Earth. This includes celestial bodies such as stars, planets, galaxies, black holes etc.

What's the Importance of Astronomy?

Mainly there are two importance of studying Astronomy. They are:

How the Universe and the Earth was created? How were other celestial bodies created?  Are we alone the living organisms in the universe? You must have come with these questions many times. To get answers of these questions, astronomy is made. It helps us to calm our curiosity and to know about the past, present, and future of the universe and other celestial bodies.

Superstition Vs Logic
People not only in past but now also believe in superstition. They believe that some evil powers are responsible for the events taking place in the space. Astronomy tells us the actual reasons for these events like Solar and Lunar Eclipse, Comets etc. Finally, all the superstitions are cleared by astronomy logically.

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